Swimming Creatures 5th/6th:
Read pages 159-164 from Lesson 10.
Please bring an empty 16 oz. disposable water bottle with a lid to class next week.
Optional video on cone snails:
Optional just for fun idea: If your family has a seashell collection, see if you can identify any of them using books or websites.
Read Chapters 12-13
Complete sections entitled Practicing Evaluating Arguments from Circumstance, Spotting Fallacies, and Everyday Debate (in which students will write an argument either to the affirmative or negative as listed in the first email) at the end of chapter 12. Complete Review Exercises at the end of Chapter 13. (If you're running short on time, you can skip this, we'll try to run over it in class).
Medieval Middle School History
As a bonus from studying China, here's an interesting video about history, etc
Read "Morning Star of the Reformation" by Andy Thompson. While reading students should think of appropriate questions the ask John Wycliff. Our newspaper activity will be an interview of John Wycliff. Imagine an interview in a magazine, an opening and then each question and answer gets its own line. Next week students will work on a draft of the interview so they shouldn't be too concerned about having everything done and ready before class. Thinking about questions while reading will make it MUCH easier next week!
(Please note the change in the syllabus, students will be "interviewing" JOHN WHYCLIFF not Roger Bacon!)
Enrichments: Remember to check the class schedule in Google Classroom to see which poems and songs to read and listen to. We are starting new music soon!
Everyone should have the first line of “The Star Spangled Banner” MEMORIZED please!
These are the part breakdown for verse 2: All the young men sing: “O thus be it ever when free men shall stand”
“Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just”
Group 2: Kate, Willow, June Apple, Georgia, Liza Jane “between their loved homes and the war’s desolation”
Group 3: Micaiah, Stella, Avery, Reagan, Anna, Ashlynn “Blest with victory and peace, May the heav’n rescured land “
Group 4: Ella, Katie, Emma, Idelette, Elizabeth, Eliana “Praise the pow’r that hath made and preserved us a nation!”
Please work on that much and we will decide the other breakdowns next week.
Continue to listen to RISE recording. Thank you all, great class yesterday
Burgess Sea Creatures:
Read chapters 29, 30
Pocket Full of Petals
This week the girls do need to do their reading on their snake plant and they also need to bring in one fact that they do not know about sunflowers. We will be learning all about sunflowers next week and I want the girls to have one new piece of information to contribute.
If you have any picture frames around your home that you are no longer using, we would appreciate a donation of picture frames so that we can work on a pressed flower project. Speaking of pressed flowers, if your girls have pressed flowers at home, they can bring them in next week.