Kind Kingdom (1-2nd, 3-4th)
Reading for this week- Our Island Story- ch. 53-54 The Horse and His Boy- ch. 10-13 Shakespeare- Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Kind Kingdom ( 5th-6th)
Read Our Island Story Ch. 53-54, The Horse and His Boy Ch. 10-12, Shakespeare for Children- Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. If they weren’t able to do research on the black plague they can work on that this week as well.
Swimming Creatures (3rd-4th)
This week’s homework is to read pages 141-148. Choose one mollusk to draw in their nature journals and label. Then write 3-5 facts about it. Mom- if you have a struggling writer feel free to do the fact writing for them. Students are always encouraged to bring in items related to the lesson that week if they have them. I realized I have the exact shell on page 145.
Burgess Sea Creatures
IEW Medieval
*Students should use Lesson 17 to write a one paragraph paper. Choose one topic to write on and make a fused KWO. Next week, students will choose a second topic to write about.
*Complete the checklist on page 154.
IEW Fables
See weekly email from Kristy Scalise.
Homework this week- read chapters 8 and 9, completing the section entitled "Learning from the Masters" at the end of BOTH chapters. You will need to watch segments of a debate found here and then fill out the questions regarding the arguments you watched.
Swimming Creatures (5th-6th)
• Write facts about crabs, shrimp, krill, barnacles, horseshoe crabs, and trilobites in the boxes on the mini-book pages given out in class. Cut the completed pages out and stack and staple them under the blocks on lobsters and crayfish and Crustaceans cover page from last week
• Read pages 141 – 148 of textbook.
Read and work through 1/2 of Module 11- complete OTO questions 11.1-11.4. Listen to lecture 11a and complete appropriate Practice Problems.